Saturday 25 June 2016

Standard Operating Procedure: The Language of the Asshole

Heya cunts,

This post came early, but I have shit to do now that's it's SUMMER. So you're welcome. 

K. Know what I hate. Besides white guys ofc. Is when you’ve used up your nap quota. It’s not even 12pm and I’ve napped twice. And apparently drugging yourself to sleep will give you heart defects shrugs. I’ve had 2 slices of cake. I’ve done everything that brings me joy. Now what?

So I goog’d new “slang” terms because apparently even at 20 I’m too fucking old. Pedos.

Here’s the run down:
-“sis” is the new “bro” used originally to denote black women aka sistas

-“hunty” = honey +cunt ( from that drag show TV program that I should really start watching)

-“innit” not new but I will casually introduce this into my vocab to buy favour with trashy English gents…oh…and it means “isn’t it”…. but since you’re so poor you could only go to school under a toadstool and the dampness has corrupted your pronunciation (tru story)

-“polyp” an abnormal growth of tissue usually in one’s anus, but it’s what I’m going to name my Chow Chow or my IVF baby whichever comes first (no stealing)

-“suh” I dunno guys, this is a bit of a stretch for me, people use this phrase to hit on me, I think it means “ what is up with you”. Tyson Ritter circa 2006: suh boi?
I accept “turnt” and “lit” and maybe even “woke” (I’m super woke after I had 7, 5 hr energy drinks) jk #blm. But I feel like we’re sorely missing more slang words for things I enjoy like penises and racism. I’d really like to start a collective brainstorming session for some cool new words you’ve learned. And for the writers in the crowd, what is your opinion on the evolution/devolution of English?

PS. Ladies, anyone have any good sexting tips? I’m running out of ways to say “I wanna suck your cock, but will only swallow 75% of your cum”.
PPS. How amazing is Martha Stewart? She’s hellur white but not annoying? Blanch my green beans exactly right, cuz of yew homegurl.


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