Sunday 29 May 2016

Welcome to the new LoEA!

Hey Assholes,

Wow, a brand new platform. Aka a new house for our incestuous lil family. No longer will we be a shitty Disqus channel, instead we'll be a shitty blog :))))

Tres excite.

Few house keeping rules:

1. No real rules. Post whatever the fuck you want, as long it as some substance and isn't child porn.
2. Email me if you want to be an author (now or in the future). This way I can add you to the "people who are allowed to post on this shitty blogger platform" list.
3. If you want to email me, please use a 'fake' (anon) email to protect your identity. This is so you can post truly horrific ramblings.
4. Any profits each month (from ads and whatnot) will be split EQUALLY among the authors that post by month end.

Let me know if you any suggestions to really kick this shit off with a bang. And let's Christen this blog with a huge fucking orgy. Seriously, someone lick me.

This picture makes a lot of symbolic sense, if you took the pillz I did. 

ATG <3

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